Friday, September 10, 2010

Journey Continues

Present:  We came to Australia so that Mitheran can have better education compared to Malaysia.  He is enjoying and hopefully he is learning something new everyday.  As for me, this also a begining of a new life, a life which is meaningful.  I wake up everyday happy, enjoying the weather, the trees, the sound of the birds, the flowers and the people here.  Mitheran choose to stay here forever, those were his exact words when we came down for a holiday.  Every other day I would ask him if he is happy here and would he like to go back to his old school but he would choose his current school.  Now he says he wants to go holiday in Malaysia to his dad's house.  He already planned for tomorow, he wants to go to Library.   One of these days the librarian is going to chase us out because Mitheran would take all the books about sea mammals, birds, seals, penguins from the shelf to the table.  There would be a big pile of books on the table.

Past:  Our Journey started with behaviour therapist, speech therapist because at this stage Mitheran still doesn't utter a word.  Somehow I just knew what he wanted and when he wanted it, maybe that's why his speech was so delayed.  He only called me "Ma" when he was 9 years old.  During the process of finding someone to help, I did come across some so called specialist who just wanted to make money out of our despration.  I went to whatever course that came, ABA, TEACCH and even met some specialist from overseas who said that they can help.  All they did was to obeserve Mitheran for 30 minutes and said that he has Autism, which I already knew.  Finally I enroled myself to a Diploma in Early Childhood, specializing in the Montessori Method.

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