Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journey from a break

Present:  I haven't posted for the last few days, the usual, busy, emotional breaks.  We did go to the library on Saturday, Mitheran took most of the books out, as usual.  finally he borrowed about 6 books and 2 DVD, all about mammals, birds.  once back he wanted to wrap all the books and DVDs in a present paper, leftovers from his birthday.  he said he wanted to open them on Monday, 13th Sept and celebrate his birthday again.   he has this accurate thing for date and day, i don't know how this works but he knows the date and day.  he also cant see any calendar that is not up to date.  He did open all the library books and DVD wrapped in the presents on Monday.  he is spending a lot of time on computers, just worrying me, sometimes i blame myself.  maybe i didn't do enough, give my time more with him, do more reading or practice on his writing.  his favourite cartoon of the years is coming, Legend of the guardians, he has been on this since he saw the advertisement last February in the movies.  he even tore the daily calendar which now shows 24th September 2010.  Monday he brought newspaper from school, which had advertisement on this cartoon, a competition for free ticket.  he cut out the picture not the coupon.  he has like 4 same advertisement coupon. 

Past:  After sourcing and seeing a lot of specialist, finally found one that was so positive and she has been doing this for the last umpteen years.  She runs a special kindergarten and place our kids in a private public school.  this was a good deal, i can rest assure that he will go to school with other 'normal' kids but with support teachers guiding him.  of course it is not cheap, i paid his fees which he would have used for a degree and a masters and this was only for his kindergarten and primary.  he was wearing drypers until he was 4, Dr L, she was the child psychologist who we trusted on this journey, had him potty trained.  he is a sweet, loving child and loved to be hugged.  he would play a cartoon of his choice over and over and over and over again,sometimes the same scene.  he loves music and dance (when he has that size and lost it now), the video posted was a sample of his impeccable dance in tune with music. well it cant be uploaded, no idea why will check on it.

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