Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journey to frustration

Present :  Today Mitheran grabbed his assistant teacher and was taken off his favourite subject, Computer.  His teacher and I agreed on not giving him Computer time if he misbehave.  Mitheran has a habit of lashing out when he is very upset.  Lashing means pushing, or grabbing someone hard.  Earlier he also used to bite his wrist, which has a dark circle bite mark and now its fading.  Due to the frustration of not given computer, he cut his hair, more like gave himself a short fringe.  Even at home, he was crying and not himself today, one of those days.  Sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head, what is he thinking.  Mitheran can speak perfect English but the problem is he doesn't want to and has difficulties finding the words, as though its there in the head but not coming out.  Sometimes he will pause to search for the words.  He has difficulty expressing himself with words and due to that he expresses physically, lashing out.

Past:  In his early days, he was responding very well, I will post the video clip when he was 1 year old, need to edit a bit first.  When he is almost 2, he started to isolate himself, his favourite place in my kitchen drawer.  He will open the last drawer, empty it and sit inside.  whenever there was an advertisement on the TV with music of his choice, he will grace us with his appearance.  Even when we call him, he wont respond.  This got me worried and another visit to his pediatrician, resulted in a hearing test.  He was given a dose of sleeping liquid but he didn't sleep, so I rescheduled another appointment and when i drove out of the hospital he dozed.  I made a quick U turn and managed to do the test and his hearing is perfectly fine.  After that, the appointment with the child psychologist and she confirmed that Mitheran has shown some symptoms of Autism but because of his age its very difficult to confirm anything.  From here our journey started.....

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